目的 探讨子宫内膜腺癌演变过程中核膜的形态变化。方法 采用体视学方法对子宫内膜增生过长与内膜腺癌腺上皮细胞核膜进行形态定量分析。结果 子宫内膜腺癌腺上皮细胞核表面积密度显著增大 ,核膜扩张增厚。
Objective To study the m orphological features of nuclear envelope in the courses of endom etrial hyperplasia evolving to andenocarcinoma. Methods The nuclear envelope of gland cells in endom etrial hyperplasia and andenocarcinom a had been studied by the method of stereolog- ic m orphom etry. Results There was significant increase in surface density(Sv) and thickness(T) of nuclear envelope in endom etrial andenocarcinoma compared with proliferative endom etrium and endom etrial hyperplasia. Conclusions The significant increase in thickness of nuclear envelope m ight be served as an indication for recognizing m alignancy of endometrial gland cells.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention