起源于 6 0年代的当代美国同性恋戏剧旨在“性”、“性别”和个人感情方面获得平等、尊严和社会尊重 ,展示同性恋者和爱滋病患者的苦闷和热望。美国当代剧作家托尼·库什纳的《美国天使》是一部带有相当政治和宗教色彩的同性恋剧 ,它涉及了当代美国的国家政治和宗教信仰危机等“国家主题”。剧中反映的犹太教教徒的信仰危机与同性恋行为并非没有关系 ,而剧作家所突出的政治意义则无疑与他具有的美国犹太文化特征有关。
Gay and lesbian play which originated in the 1960's in America usually aims at showing respect to the emotions and desires of gays and lesbians.It thus advocates equality and freedom. But Tony Kusher's Angels in America, however, is about national themes which revolve around American politics and religious crisis. The play shows that the issue of homosexuality is closely related to the religious crisis faced by the American Jews and reveals that the playwright's focus on the political theme is mostly out of his pursuit of his Jewish cultural identity.
Foreign Literature Studies