为探讨经皮冠状动脉介入治疗对急性心肌梗死患者心电图QT离散度的影响及其临床意义 ,将我院资料较完整的 138例患者 ,分心肌梗死发病 6h内 (72例 )和 6h以上 (6 6例 )两组 ,测算术前和术后第 1天心电图QT间期、QT离散度、心率校正QT间期和心率校正QT离散度。结果发现 ,两组QT间期和心率校正QT间期术后与术前相比均无显著性差异 ;但术后QT离散度和心率校正QT离散度较术前显著减小 (P <0 .0 1) ,且发病 6h以内组显著小于 6h以上组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;两组住院期间死亡率分别为 4 .2 %和 7.6 % (P =0 .394 )。结果提示 ,成功的介入治疗能显著减小心肌梗死患者的QT离散度 ,介入治疗施行得越早则减小QT离散度的效果越好。
Aim To elucidate the effects of percutanious coronary intervention (PCI)on QT dispersion (QTd)and to find out its clinical significance. Methods The electrocardiograms recorded before and one day after PCI in 138 patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI)were analyzed. The duration from the onset of AMI to PCI operation was less than 6 h in 72 patients and 6 to 12 h in others. All the patients underwent emergent and subsequently coronary stenting. QT intervals, QTd, and heart-rate-corrected QT intervals (QTc) and QTd (QTcd)were gauged and calculated. Results In both the less-than- and the longer-than-6-hour group, QT and QTc after PCI were not significantly different from before PCI. But the QTd and the QTcd after PCI were remarkably decreased(all P<0.01). Moreover, the QTd and QTcd in the less-than-6 h group were significantly shorter than those in the longer-than-6 h group (all P<0.05). And the inhospital mortality was 4.2% and 7.6%,respectively (P=0.394). Conclusions Successful PCI could notably reduce QTd in patients with AMI. The earlier the PCI was performed,the better the effects of reperfusion by PCI on reducing QTd.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis