分析了水稻生长对温度、光照、降水等气候条件的要求及其主要的不利气候因素———早春低温阴雨造成早稻烂种烂秧和秋季寒害对晚稻抽穗扬花的影响 ,确定三明市水稻生长的气候指标为春季稳定通过 10℃初日至秋季稳定通过 2 0℃终日的积温。根据三明市各地活动积温的分布情况和不同品种搭配的早稻播种至晚稻安全齐穗所需的总积温 ,划定了三明市水稻合理布局的气候区划指标。利用活动积温的 80 %保证率建立的区划模型和区划指标将三明市分为 7个水稻种植气候区 ,并提出了水稻生产趋利避害的建议措施。
s: An analysis was made of climatic conditions for rice growth, such as temperature, sunlight, precipitation, etc., as well as disadvantageous factors such as low temperature, overcast and rainy weather in early spring on the seeding and seedlings of early rice and cold damages on the blooming of late rice. The climatic indexes for rice growth were proposed: the accumulated temperature from the first day with temperature steadily being over 10 ℃ in spring to the last day with temperature steadily less than 20 ℃ in autumn. Based on the distribution of accumulated temperature in Sanming and the total accumulated temperatures needed from the seeding of the early rice to the blooming of late mature rice for the different rice-variety mixes, the regionalization models and indexes of rice planting in Sanming were set up with the assurance rate being 80%. Resultantly, Sanming was divided into 7 rice-planting climatic zones, and some suggestions and countermeasures for rice-planting in Sanming are put forward.
Meteorological Science and Technology
rice, climatic condition, agroclimatological regionalization