一个时期的语境和一个时期文学有直接的关系 ,在相当大的程度上决定了文学说什么和怎么说 ,决定作者以什么身份说话。语境决定修辞 ,而修辞在一定程度上取决于言说中的写作身份。语境与写作主体之间的张力决定了各种不同的写作身份和不同的修辞行为。 90年代以来的女性文学在几种话语相互渗透相互作用的张力和缝隙中调整了自己的写作身份 ,寻找了自己的话语空间。综合了“人———女人———个人”这一人的价值与女性性别相统一相协调的女性文学写作身份 ,为世纪之交的女性文学带来了许多新的变化新的因素 ,带来了生活的日常化、历史的个人化和城市的女性化 ,女性文学充满了人间烟火味和语言飞翔的灵气。
The context of a period is directly related to its literature and determines to a large extent what literature says, how it says, and in what identity a writer says. Context decides rhetoric while rhetoric is, to a certain degree, decided by the writing identity in the discourse. The tension between context and writing subject decides the various identities and rhetoric devices. Female literature since 1990s has been adjusting its writing identity in the tension and slit of the inter-infiltration and interaction between several discourses, and has been pursuing its own discourse space. The writing identity of female literature unifies and coordinates the female gender with human values integrating “human beings-females-individuals.' It has brought many new changes and new elements to female literature at the turn of the century. It has also brought about secularization of life, individualization of history, and feminization of cities. Female literature is therefore pregnant with mundaneness and anima of soaring diction.
Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
writing identity
human being-female-individual