本文介绍采用美国Motorola公司生产的高性能PFC控制芯片MC33262P实现的DC-DC高频开关电源升压前置变换器的构成原理;采用CMOS芯片CD4093实现的高效变频控制DC-DC高频开关电源隔离变换器的原理。以上述两部分为主体构成的GY- 238型高频开关电源具有高可靠性、高效率、保护功能齐全、结构合理、体积小等优点,已广泛应用于移动通信BEM-02基站采集器中。经现场运行表明,该产品达到了预期的设计目的,已向全国通信行业推广,受到用户的一致好评。
This paper introduces the step-up preconversion principle of DC-DC high freguency swithing power supply (HFSPS) which a- dopts PFC control chip MC33262P featuring high capacity and zero current manufactured by Motorola USA,the realization of high effi- ciency frequency converter controlled DC-DC HFSPS adopting COMS chip CD4093.It present the design process of HFSPS type GY- 238 used in communication BEM-02 base station collector which consists mainly of the two parts mentioned above,and the functions of int...
The World of Power Supply