
一种适用于Ad hoc网络的轻量级密钥交换协议 被引量:1

Lightweighted key exchange protocol in Ad hoc networks
摘要 通过对Ad hoc网络安全性特殊需求的分析,提出适合其特点的轻量级节点间密钥交换协议.协议使用一种新的基于ID的身份认证机制相互验证身份;使用改进的Blom机制生成加密密钥和认证密钥,分别用于数据私密性保护和报文完整性检查.为了防止敌方捕获密钥,提出基于节点间数据流的密钥更新机制.针对节点撤销,给予相应的解决方案.从不同的角度对协议进行安全性分析,通过和其他实现方法比较,在性能方面证明其高效性. Through the analyses of special security requirements in Ad hoc networks,a lightweighted key exchange protocol between two nodes is proposed in this paper.In order to validate its identity,a new authentication mechanism based on ID is used in this protocol.Two keys of which one is used for privacy and the other is used for integrality are genetrated by improved Blom mechanism.A key updating measure based on the data flow between nodes is used to prevent enemy capture keys.Aiming at nodes withdrawal,the authors propose the corresponding solution.From different angles,they analyze the security of protocol.By comparison of other methods,the high efficiency of this protocol is validated.
作者 李之棠 王喆
出处 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第z1期200-204,共5页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology
基金 国家网络与信息安全保障持续发展计划资助项目(2004研1-917-021) 武汉市科学技术局资助项目 华中科技大学天华网络信息安全研究所支持项目
关键词 AD HOC网络 身份认证 加密密钥 验证密钥 节点撤销 Ad hoc network identity authentication encrypting key validation key nodes withdrawal
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