Based on hydrology and GIS, models of flood inundation were developed. At first, two cases of flood inundation were considered, one inundated case with the protection of flood defence structures called levee breach inundation and another case without the protection of flood defence structures called floodplain inundation. In the two cases above, inflow calculating models and flood routing models were established respectively. Flood routing models were established on the basis of terrain generalization, geographic cells and calculating cells were plotted in terms of the underlying surface properties and the distributions of linear waterproofing constructions such as river banks and roads, as well as geomorphology etc. Geographic cells were applied to ascertain flow direction and calculating cells assisted calculating flood volume and flood water level. In the models, the dominant influence of terrain on the flood inundation has been exhibited well. Meanwhile simulation results indicate that the models proposed can be adopted in real-time simulation and in the further research of flood risk map.
Journal of System Simulation