

Blind signature scheme in electronic business
摘要 电子商务正在成为一种重要的商务发展模式,它的安全性是通过以密码学为基础的技术和协议来保障的。盲签名技术由于其所具有的匿名性、不可伪造性等特性而应用于电子商务的诸多领域,起着越来越重要的作用。本文围绕盲签名的概念展开,首先给出了盲签名的一般模式,然后在此基础上分别阐述强盲签名、弱盲签名、代理盲签名和部分盲签名等主要的盲签名方案,并讨论它们在电子商务中的应用领域,最后给出了它在电子商务中的两个较成熟的应用——电子现金和电子投票。 Electronic business is turning to an important business pattern. Its security is based on the cryptology technology and protocols. Blind signature can provide anonymity, unforgery within the security. With the developing of electronic business, blind signature technology is playing a more and more important role in this field. This paper focuses on the blind signature scheme. First, a general protocol is described. Then, the main schemas of blind signature are illuminated, such as strong blind signature, week blind signature, partial blind signature and proxy blind signature. We also analyze their application field in electronic business. Finally, we explain its application in e-cash and e-voting, the most mature fields by now.
出处 《浙江工业大学学报》 CAS 2004年第4期397-402,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Technology
关键词 盲签名 电子商务 电子现金 电子投票 blind signature E-cash E-voting
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