基于PSD(Position sensing device-位置敏感传感器)和激光三角法检测感应式电能表转盘的跳动误差是一种可用在电能表生产企业进行非接触、高精度、自动测量的新方法。本文重点阐述了转盘跳动测量的原理,并对其测量过程进行了分析,对影响测量精度的因素做了讨论。同时给出了测量仪器的软、硬件设计框图。并结合实际应用,介绍了该测量仪器在测量过程中的定标和定位方法。
Using Position Sensitive Device(PSD) and triangulation to measure the turnplate s run-out error of induction meters is a new uncontact,high precision and automatic method.This paper lays emphasis on analyzing the working process of the apparatus and the measurement theory,and discussing the factors that affect the measuring definition.The design of hardware and software of the apparatus is also given and the method of position and calibration of the apparatus is finally presented.
Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation