可视化语言是起步不久的编程语言 ,目前已成为程序设计语言的主流 ,代表了程序设计语言的最新发展。它的技术成份非常丰富 ,给程序设计人员的学习造成了一定的难度。在综合研究多种流行的典型可视化语言基础上 ,从体系上归纳出了可视化语言采用的一些核心技术 ,重点阐述了可视化语言使用 OOP( Object- Oriented Programming)成份及可视化实现、OLE、多媒体、数据库和软构件等技术的方法和原理 ,以期从总体上把握可视化语言的技术特点和体系结构。
The visual language is known as a newly developed programming language.Now it becomes the main stream of programming and indicates the newest progress of programming language.Due to the compound technique components,it is hard to grasp the visual language to some extent.On the basis of deeply researching all the popular programming languages,this paper concludes the architecture of the visual languages kernel techniques which puts emphasis on ...
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)