
施拉姆模式对翻译工作者的启示 被引量:2

Enlightenments from Schramm model to practitioners in translation
摘要 翻译的实质是跨文化跨语际的信息传播活动。20世纪90年代以来译学研究有了很大的进步,可到目前为止的译学研究仍还围绕着"译"的方法上,在追求"信达雅"的境界上做文章,对"传"的研究还不多见。从传播学的视角,对翻译过程进行深层次的理论探讨,把翻译学建构在传播学的框架下,用传播学的有关理论和模式解析翻译过程中的有关问题,为"直译""意译"、"摘译""改译"等译法提供了理论依据。 Translation science,in essence,is an inseparable mixture of interlingual and intercultural activity concerning information communication.Since the 1980s,the theoretical study of translation has made great progress, yet until now it still concentrates on the means and methods of translation itself, focusing on 'Faithfulness', 'Expressiveness' and 'Elegance', while the study of 'transmission' has largely been ignored within the world of translation studies. The approach this thesis will take is to look in depth at the practice of translation from the viewpoint of communication science. Furthermore,it will attempt to put translation science into the framework of communication science in order to be able to analyze the problems appearing in the translation process, theoretically explain the phenomena of the translation process and finally draw deductions from 'literal translation', 'free translation', 'extracted translation' and 'adapted translation'.
作者 姚亮生
出处 《镇江高专学报》 2004年第2期37-40,共4页 Journal of Zhenjiang College
关键词 翻译工作者 翻译学 传播学 施拉姆模式 translation communication Schramm model
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  • 1戴元光,金冠军主编..传播学通论[M].上海:上海交通大学出版社,2000:465.
  • 2陈福康著..中国译学理论史稿[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000:529.
  • 3谭载喜编译..新编奈达论翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999:342.
  • 4许钧主编..翻译思考录[M].武汉:湖北教育出版社,1998:586.
  • 5[美]施拉姆(W·Schramm),波特(W·E·Porter) 著,陈亮等.传播学概论[M]新华出版社,1984. 被引量:1



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