使用Rational ROSE对青藏铁路项目管理系统的需求进行分析,并对本系统中主要模块———项目进度控制模块采用Rational ROSE进行建模,成功完成了该模块的模型设计和系统实现,用UML进行系统建模,使用不同的视图可以使系统分析人员从不同的角度、视角出发,对系统的需求、功能、边界等方面,描述目标软件系统的静态和动态结构,逻辑设计代替功能模块设计和实体关系设计,这一方法的使用解决了以前的功能和数据分离的问题、文档和实现的统一问题、以及模块中数据的组织问题。
The demand analysis of Qinghai-Tibet railway management system and the modeling of the primary module -project progress control are completed based on rational ROSE in this paper.And the model design and system implementation of this module are fulfilled successfully.Modeling with UML and using different views,it is possible for system analyst to describe static and dynamic structure of target software system from several aspects such as demand,function and border with different visual angle.By substituting logic design for function module design and entity-relation design,some former problems such as the separation of function and data,the unification of document and implementation,and the organization of data in module are resolved perfectly.
Science of Surveying and Mapping