本文对3D GIS技术在国土资源信息管理中的应用进行了探讨。利用Skyline提供的相关技术,建立了3D数据库平台,并在此基础上添加了相应的国土资源专题信息,最后利用开发包TerraDeveloper结合可视化集成开发环境Visual Studio 2003对3D GIS技术在国土资源信息管理中的应用进行了实现。
This paper explored the application of 3D GIS in land resources information management.With related techniques provided by Skyline,3D database platform is built.Then based on this platform,the monographic information about land resources is added.Finally,combined with visibility integrated environment Visual Studio 2003,and used Develop Kit of TerraDeveloper,application of 3D GIS in land resources information management has been realized.
Modern Surveying and Mapping