
双Rodrigues参数方法及其在姿态确定中的应用 被引量:3

Double Rodrigues Parameters Method and Its Application in Attitude Determination
摘要 提出了一种利用Rodrigues参数序对描述刚体姿态运动的方法。首先证明了刚体的任一姿态可以由两个模不大于1的Rodrigues参数组成的序对来描述,采用"冻结"Rodrigues参数序对的第一个Rodrigues参数的方法将其变量的个数从6降低到刚体的转动自由度3,接着讨论Rodrigues参数序对与其它姿态描述参数的关系,然后建立了由Rodrigues参数序对表示的姿态运动学方程,最后给出这种姿态描述方法在飞行器姿态确定中的应用,仿真结果表明该方法的精度优于四元数算法。 A method was proposed to present the attitude of a rigid body using an ordered pair of Rodrigues Parameters.We proved that any attitude of a rigid body could be described by an ordered pair consist of two Rodrigues parameters whose two-norm were no more than unit.We reduced variables of the ordered pair from six to three(the freedom of attitude motion) by 'freezing' the first Rodrigues parameters.The relationship between an ordered pair of Rodrigues parameters and other attitude representations were present...
出处 《宇航学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期534-538,544,共6页 Journal of Astronautics
基金 国家自然科学基金(10572114)
关键词 RODRIGUES参数 姿态描述 奇异性 四元数 Rodrigues parameters Attitude representation Singularity Quaternion
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