

Research progress in the diagnosis and treatment of ankle Logsplitter injury
摘要 踝关节Logsplitter损伤是由垂直暴力为主旋转暴力为辅的一种严重骨折伴脱位,常常导致严重的踝关节骨性结构和韧带损伤。处理此类损伤具有一定的挑战性,需要对其充分认识,妥善的处理才能减少术后并发症的发生,本文就近年来踝关节Logsplitter损伤的相关研究做一综述,以期为临床医生和研究者提供参考。 Logsplitter injury of ankle joint is a kind of severe fracture with dislocation,which is mainly caused by vertical violence and supplemented by rotational violence,and often leads to severe ankle bone structure and ligament injury.It is a challenge to deal with such injuries.It is necessary to fully understand them and properly deal with them to reduce the occurrence of postoperative complications.This article reviewed the relevant research on ankle joint Logsplitter injury in recent years,with a view to providing reference for clinicians and researchers.
作者 李康 耿喜林 汪玉良 刘京升 Li Kang;Geng Xilin;Wang Yuliang;Liu Jingsheng(Department of Orthopedics,the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730030,China)
出处 《中华关节外科杂志(电子版)》 CAS CSCD 2023年第4期566-570,共5页 Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery(Electronic Edition)
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金(23JRRA0970) 甘肃省教委科研基金(2021B-045)
关键词 踝关节 骨折 脱位 创伤和损伤 Ankle joint Fractures bone Dislocations Wounds and injuries
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