Human TfR1 was universal y expressed in dif erent tissues.The major function of TfR1 was to facilitate delivery of transferrin across cells and blood-brain barrier(BBB).As a result,iron homo-stasis was maintained.TfR1 was recognised as a critical target for tumor and brain disease therapy due to its over expression in tumor cells and BBB.In recent years,drug carriers based on TfR1 recognition were developed such as Transferrin(Tf),anti-TfR1 antibody and TfR1 binding peptide.These carriers bind to TfR1 specifical y and enter into cellor BBB through receptor mediated endocytosis.Chemicals conjugated with these carriers can be facilitated to enter into tumor cells and brain tissue.Therapeutic proteins can be engineered to fused with anti-TfR1 antibody and transported across BBB.
SHAO Ming;LIU Yu(College of Life Science and Technology,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210009,Jiangsu,China)