Objective:To prepare a encapsulated liquid fluorocarbon,multimodal nanoscale ultrasonic molecular probes capable of carrying Cisplatin(CDDP)、Fe3O4 and folic acid molecular targeting,study on its basic characteristics and in vitro targeting ability.Methods:The PLGA-Fa、Fe3O4、CDDP and PFP were dissolved in organic solvents in a certain proportion after the folic acid(Fa)molecule which in the surFace of PLGA was attached to polyethylene glycol imide,prepare nanoscale targeted multimodal ultrasound contrast agent PLGA-Fa/Fe3O4/CDDP/PFP,containing Fe3O4、CDDP、PFP by double creaming methods,the basic properties of it,encapsulation efficiency and drug loading of nanometer particle were observed and measured to optimize the optimal dosage of CDDP;the PFFCP and PFCP were acted on in vitro human nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)cell line HNE-1(high expression of Fa receptor),observe and compare its targeting.Results:Nanoscale targeted multimodal ultrasound contrast agentPLGA-Fa/Fe3O4/CDDP/PFP containing Fe3O4、CDDP、PFP was successfully prepared,the size of the nanometer particle is uniform,the shape is round,the dispersion is good,the diameter distribution is 204nm,and the average electric potential is-15Mv.The nanometer particle could bind to human NPC cell line HNE-1 cells with high expression of Fa receptor,but the nontarget nanometer particle binding of human NPC cell line HNE-1 cells are not obvious.Conclusion:In this study,nanoscale targeted multimodal ultrasound contrast agent PLGA-Fa/Fe3O4/CDDP/PFP containingFe3O4、CDDP、PFP was successfully prepared,and the optimal dose of CDDP was optimized.The nanoparticle have obvious targeting to human NPC cell line HNE-1 cells.
Hainan Natural Science Foundation(No.818MS126)
Provincial key R&D project(No.ZDYF2019136)