
大鼠缺铜模型的建立及缺铜对大鼠重要脏器的损伤 被引量:2

Study of effects of copper deficiency on internal organ through a copper deficiency model in rat
摘要 目的建立大鼠缺铜模型,并考察缺铜对大鼠重要脏器的损伤.方法选用27只5周龄断奶SD雄性大鼠,按体重随机分为3组(3×9),对照组1、对照组2和铜缺乏组(CuD),进行为期6周的饲养实验.对照组1饲喂铜含量为7.0 mg/kg的商品饲料,对照组2和缺铜组大鼠饲喂铜含量为0.73 mg/kg半纯合基础饲料;每天下午分别按体重的1%灌喂铜含量为0(对照组1),1.33(对照组2)和0 mg/ml(CuD)的硫酸铜溶液,因此对照组2摄入的饲料中理论铜水平为11.37 mg/,kg.所有大鼠均自由采食和自由饮用去离子水.在实验末处死所有大鼠,采集其血液和内脏样品,用于测定血浆铜蓝蛋白酶的含量(PPD值)及其活力(:PCP),红细胞Cu-Zn SOD酶活力(EC Cu-Zn SOD),肝脏铜(LC)和金属硫蛋白(LMT)含量.光学显微镜下观察大鼠肾脏、脑、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺、睾丸等内脏组织病理学变化.结果缺铜组大鼠的血浆PCP、PPD值、LC、LMT和EC Cu-Zn SOD都极显著低于对照组1和对照组2(EC Cu-Zn SOD除外);缺铜组部分大鼠的心肌纤维断裂,小灶性嗜酸性变,冠状动脉分支内皮细胞增生肿胀,内皮下间隙增宽,肺小动脉肌层肥厚,管腔狭窄闭塞,其余内脏没有观察到明显病变.结论断乳大鼠经过饲喂低铜饲料6周即可成功地建立缺铜模型,缺铜组少数大鼠心肌及小动脉可见轻度异常病理学改变. Objective To establish copper deficiency model in rats,and observe the damnification on intermal organ of copper deficiency rats.Methods 27 male weanling SD rats with 5-week-old were randomized into 3 groups(n=9),ie.,control group1,control group2 and copper deficiency group(CuD).The rats of the control group1 were fed commercial feed with copper level of 7.0 mgkg,the rats of the control group2 and the copper defciency group were fed half purified diet with copper level of0.73 mg/kg In aftermoons,rats were orally perfused copper sulphate solution with copper concentration 0(control groupl),0.133(control group2)and 0 mg/ml(copper deficiency group),respectively,the volume was 1%of body weight,so theory copper level of the feed in the control group2 was 11.37 mg/kg All of rats had free access to both food and de-ionized water.Rats were sacificed at the end of test feeding on the 42nd day,blood was sampled for analyzing the plasma ceruloplasmin activity(PCP)and its content(PPD),and erythrocyte Cu-Zn SOD(EC Cu-Zn SOD);liver was sampled for analyzing the content of Metallothionein(MT),and liver copper(LC).The organic tissues of kidney,brain,heart,liver,spleen,lung and testes are sampled for histopathologic examination.Results The PCP and EC Cu-Zn SOD,PPD,LC and LMT of rats in copper deficiency group was significantly lower than those of rats in control groupl and control group 2(except EC Cu-Zn SOD)(P<0.01).The cardiac muscle fbers of a part of rats in copper deficiency group were broken and eosinophilic.The endothelial cell of a coronary artery branch was presented proliferation and swelling,subendothelial space was broadened.An arteriole in the lung was showed thickening of the wall,and presented obliteration of the lumen.No obvious pathological changes of other internal organ were found.Conclusion Copper deficiency model in rats is sucsfully established after rats ingesting diet of low copper for 42 days.Slightly pathologic changes in the cadiovascular tssues of part of rats in copper deficiency groups are observed.
作者 刘选珍 李鸣 黄承钰 张银柱 LIU Xuan-zhen;LI Ming;HUANG Cheng-yu;ZHANG Yin-zhu(Nutrition and Food Hygiene Teaching and Research Section of Public Hygiene College of Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China;不详)
出处 《中华预防医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S01期127-130,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
基金 国际铜业协会资助项目(A-AS-03-01)
关键词 大鼠 模型 动物 Rat Copper Models,Animal
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