
网络犯罪国际公约中的技术侦查条款及国内程序法回应 被引量:1

The Article of Technical Investigation in International Conventions on Cybercrime and China’s Response of Procedural Law
摘要 《打击为犯罪目的使用信息和通信技术全面国际公约》的谈判已经进入案文草案的磋商阶段,中国关于深化打击网络犯罪国际合作的战略主张正在联合国层面稳步推进。公约中实时收集“流量数据”和拦截“内容数据”的技术侦查条款,因涉及隐私和数据安全等方面的重要利益,以及网络服务提供者的参与和协助,为各方所关注。从《布达佩斯网络犯罪公约》的出台直至联合国官方发布案文草案,尽管技术侦查条款经历了一定程度的承续和演变,但是从程序设计的要素来看,均是根据技术侦查的特点而审慎设置取证程序,强调基于比例原则而对数据进行分类分级处理,以及在普遍适用条款的基础上允许成员国提出法律保留。中国缔结联合国层面的全新公约并接受“程序规定与执法”部分的技术侦查条款,需要在技术侦查的执行主体、地域范围、数据类型、案件种类及具体形式等方面做好国内法的对接,以期以技术侦查程序条款的革新为切入点,统筹推进国内法治与涉外法治。 In the consultation stage of Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes(a drafted version),China’s proposal to strengthen global cooperation in counter-cybercrime is gaining more support in the UN.The technical investigation clauses for real-time collection of“traffic data”and interception of“content data”in the Convention are of concern to all parties since they include significant interests in privacy and data security,as well as the participation and support of network service providers.Despite some inheritance and evolution of technical investigation clauses from the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime to the draft,from the perspective of the elements of procedural design,the evidence collection procedures are carefully set according to the characteristics of technical investigation,the classification and grading of data based on the principle of proportionality are emphasized,and member states are allowed to make legal reservations on the basis of universally applicable clauses.When concluding the brand-new convention and accepting the technical investigation clauses in the part of“procedural provisions and law enforcement”,China needs to improve its laws in terms of the subject of execution,geographical scope,data type,case type,and specific forms of technical investigation,so as to coordinate the domestic rule of law and the foreign-related rule of law through the innovation of technical investigation clauses.
作者 梁坤 LIANG Kun
出处 《公安学研究》 2023年第4期45-65,123-124,共23页 Journal of Public Security Science
基金 2023年度国家社会科学基金西部项目“刑事司法数据安全保护视域下缔结《联合国打击网络犯罪公约》研究”(23XFX024)
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