

Qin Moshen,Li Dazhao and their Work at the Newspaper Compilation Agency around 1921
摘要 秦墨哂早年在安徽都督府随陈独秀反袁被通缉,后亡命印度及欧洲;回国后经蔡元培派任北京大学讲师,讲授外交史;后又经蔡元培介绍担任《申报》驻北京办事处主任;1924年,经李大钊介绍担任共产国际驻华代表潘克福的助理员。1925年,秦墨哂以《申报》名义订阅各国报纸,成立北京中外报章类纂社,表面上看是将中外报章记载之重要问题,分门别类,剪贴成为史料,但珍贵史料首次揭秘:实际上该社是各国左翼人士通信机关,均用打字附在报内,到北京后,秦墨哂安排韩尚忠等人密送潘克福或李大钊处。笔者抛砖引玉,期待更多同仁研究北京中外报章类纂社。 Qin Moshen was wanted by the Anhui Governor’s Office for participating in the Second Revolution,a revolt against the Yuan Shikai government,and had to flee to Tibet,India and Europe.After returned to China,Qin was appointed by Cai Yuanpei,President of Peking University,as a lecturer in history of diplomacy.Later,he was recommended by Cai to be director of the Beijing office of the Shanghai News.In 1924,Li Dazhao,a librarian at Peking University,recommended Qin be the assistant of Boris Pankratov(real nameБорисИвановичПанкратов,Chinese name Pan Kefu),a Comintern representative to China.Qin began to subscribe to foreign newspapers in the name of the Shanghai News in 1925,and started to make preparations for his own newspaper.The Newspaper Compilation Agency was set up and started operations in Beijing.On the face of it,the agency compiled high-profile articles from newspapers home and abroad,sorting them by genre and category for research purposes.The agency also sold selfmade newspapers to people who needed them at low prices.However,according to historical resources,the agency turned out to be a correspondence organ for left-wing individuals from different countries.All intelligence information was typed out and attached to the newspapers.With the financial support of the Soviet Consulate,Qin Moshen then asked his friends to send these newspapers secretly to Pankratov or Li Dazhao after returning to Beijing.This article reviews such historical resources,and expects more research on the Newspaper Compilation Agency.
作者 王世清 Wang Shiqing
出处 《中共创建史研究》 2021年第1期48-55,共8页 CPC Founding History Studies
关键词 秦墨哂 李大钊 建党初期 报章类纂社 Qin Moshen Li Dazhao early history of the CPC the Newspaper Compilation Agency
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