

The Theory of“Yige”:The Construction of Ci History and the Significance of Ci Criticism History in Selected Poems of Famous Writers in the Last Three Hundred Years by Long Yusheng
摘要 龙榆生《近三百年名家词选》提出清词“以意格为主”,此“意格”不仅是龙榆生的选词宗旨,也是龙榆生衡论宋以后词史的重要标准,同样是龙榆生的论词宗旨。梳理龙榆生“意格”论的语意与语境运用的进程,推溯“意格”论与晚清词学的渊源关系,可以确定所谓“意格”,即指意境和体格,具体则指词人在创作中用含蓄、委婉或比兴、寄寓的艺术手法表现他沉郁、深厚、幽微的士大夫情怀与情感。《近三百年名家词选》是龙榆生“意格”论的选本实践,词选通过选词的题材与内容、词人小传、词作集评等方式多方面、多层次地彰显了“意格”的内涵。“意格”同样是龙榆生通过词选建构清词史的理论根基,《近三百年名家词选》对清词发展的脉络、清词发展的特征、清代词学演变的规律、清代词人的词史价值与地位都有比较客观公正的展现,是现代词学视野下的优秀并具有个性的选本。“意格”论也是现代词学批评学史上以传统形态呈现的典型范畴,它与龙榆生等所开创的现代词学的理念与方法是融为一体的,同时比较胡适、胡云翼、俞平伯等人的词选后,可以发现现代词学吸纳了传统词学的优良因素后,反而更具包容性与合理性,也有更广阔的生长空间。 Long Yusheng's Selected Poems of Famous Poets in the Last Three Hundred Years proposed that the Qing Dynasty's Ci should be“based on the Yige”.This“Yige”is not only Long Yusheng's purpose of selecting,but also the important standard for Long Y usheng to discuss the history of Ci after the Song Dynasty.It is also Long Yusheng's purpose of commenting on Ci.By combing the process of meaning and context application of Long Yusheng's theory of“Yige”and tracing the origin relationship between the theory of“Yige”and the Qing Ci poems,we can determine that the so-called“Yige”refers to the artistic.conception and style,and specifically refers to the artist's implicit,euphemistic or metaphorical artistic techniques used in his creation to express his deep,profound and subtle feelings and feelings of scholar-bureaucrats.Selected Poems of Famous Poets in the Last Three Hundred Years is the practice of Long Yusheng's theory of“Yige”.The anthology of Ci reveals the meaning of“Yige”in many ways and levels through the theme and content of the selected Ci,the biographies of the poets,and the collection and evaluation of Ci.“Yige”is also the theoretical foundation of Long Yusheng's construction of the history of Qing Ci through the selection of Ci poems.Selected Poems of Famous.Poets in the Last Three Hundred Years has a relatively objective and fair display of the context of the development of Qing Ci poems,the characteristics of the development of Qing Ci poems,the law of the evolution of Qing Ci poems,and the value and status of Qing Ci poets in the history of Ci poems.It is an excellent and personalized selection from the view of modern Ci criticism history.The theory of“Yige”is also a typical category presented in traditional form in the history of modern Ci criticism.It is integrated with the ideas and methods of modern Ci created by Long Y usheng and others.At the same time,after comparing the Ci selections of Hu Shi,Hu Yunyi,Yu Pingbo and others,we can find that modern Ci is more inclusi
作者 傅宇斌 Fu Yubin
出处 《古代文学理论研究》 2023年第1期508-539,共32页 Studies of Ancient Chinese Literary Theory
基金 国家社科基金西部项目“民国词学传统文献与学术史研究”(批准号:17XZW031) 江苏省社科基金重点项目(批准号:20ZWA001)阶段性成果
关键词 龙榆生 《近三百年名家词选》 “意格”论 清词史 现代词学批评学 Long Yusheng Selected Poems of Famous Poets in the Last Three Hundred Years The theory of“Yige” history of Qing Ci poems modern Ci criticism
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