2015年由我国发布的《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》与2016年印度推动的“环印度洋之路(Sagar Mala)”计划在南亚地区形成事实上的竞争关系。除了运用双边与多边对话机制避免双路之间的对抗性竞争外,中国—南亚可以从两者共享千年的地理与人文资源入手,通过深化文化旅游合作来达成互联互通、民心相通以及合作共赢等发展目标,助推“一带一路”南亚建设,最终让喜马拉雅山脉两侧的民众能共享和平、友谊、稳定和繁荣的发展成果。
Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road by China in 2015 and the Sagar Mala Yojana promoted by India since 2016 are in de facto competition in South Asia.In addition to using bilateral and multilateral dialogue mechanisms to avoid confrontational competition between the two initiatives,China and South Asia can start from the sharing of geographical and cultural resources existing for a thousand years to deepen cultural and tourism cooperation in order to achieve the development goals such as connectivity,people-to-people exchanges and win-win cooperation,and boost the construction of the Belt and Road in South Asia.So that,people on both sides of the Himalayas can share the development fruits such as peace,friendship,stability and prosperity.
Public Diplomacy Quarterly