
中国比较文学的初兴与诗学范式之争 被引量:1

The Early Boom of Comparative Literature in China and the Debate over Poetic Paradigms
摘要 1919—1949年是中国文学快速发展的时期,这一时期一批有意识地从事比较文学研究的学者涌现出来,其论著相较于以往的研究在广度和深度上都有所发展,比较文学真正作为一门学科出现在中国。从“五四”新文化运动到中华人民共和国成立前后约三十年的时间可谓中国比较文学的初兴期。初兴期的中国比较文学,在前期自发的文学比较和分散的理论随感的基础上,随着中外文学交往范围的扩大,文学创作者和研究者学术意识的发展,比较文学研究者的反思性、理论性大大增强,比较文学课程体系在大学教育中确立并展开,比较文学的方法被有意识地运用在文学研究中,比较文学研究者形成了一定规模的学术团体,比较文学的研究视野和治学方法影响了中国文学破旧立新的探索和发展进程。初兴期比较文学的诗学范式之争在中国比较文学史上影响深远,成为今天比较文学学科理论体系建构的出发点。 The period from 1919 to 1949 had witnessed a rapid development of Chinese literature,during which scholars who consciously engaged in comparative literary studies emerged one after another.Their works developed in both breadth and depth in comparison with previous studies,and comparative literature truly emerged as a discipline in China.The thirty years from the May Fourth Movement in 1919 to right before the founding of New China can literally account for the initial rise of Chinese comparative literature.The early stage of Chinese comparative literature was based on spontaneous literary comparisons and sporadic theoretical reflections.With the expansion of the scope of literary exchanges between China and foreign countries,as well as the development of creative and academic awareness,the critical and theoretical thinking involved in conducting studies in comparative literature has been greatly enhanced.Moreover,curriculum in comparative literature has also been established and developed in higher education.Comparative literature as a critical approach has been consciously applied in literary research,and researchers in comparative literature have formed a certain scale of academic communities.The research vision and research methods in comparative literature have influenced the way in which Chinese literature destroys the old and establishes the new.The debate over the poetic paradigms for comparative literature in its early booming phase has had a profound impact on the history of comparative literature in China,and has become the starting point for the construction of the theoretical system of comparative literature as a discipline today.
作者 纪建勋 JI Jianxun(Shanghai Normal University)
机构地区 上海师范大学
出处 《国际比较文学(中英文)》 2023年第3期51-74,共24页 International Comparative Literature
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“明清基督教在中国文化发展中的整体影响研究”(项目编号:21AZJ003)阶段性成果
关键词 比较文学 初兴期 范式之争 中国学派 跨文化研究 Comparative Literature the early booming phase paradigm debate the Chinese School crosscultural research
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