This article asserts that the northern junk already existed in physical form before the term was used to identify it.The terms“northern junk”and“Shanghai junk”have different meanings.The first refers to all of the junks sailing along the northern and southern shores of the Yangzi River mouth.“Shanghai junks,”on the other hand,could broadly include all of the junks gathered in Shanghai during the shipping season regardless of their affiliation.In a narrow sense,the term only refers to junks from Shanghai county.The period right before and after the opening of the treaty port,from 1800 to 1860,marked the heyday of the northern junks.It coincided with the ban on Manchurian soybean boats from north of China coming to Shanghai and ended with the completing opening of the soybean trade.The loss of the Shanghai junks’traditional monopoly was a gradual process,and,in the course of events,they struggled tenaciously to maintain their privileged position.
National Maritime Research
The Opening of Shanghai
Northern Junk
Historical Destiny