在我还未移居纽约市之前,一度迷上了电影《与安德烈晚餐》(My Dinner with Andre)。影片基本是导演路易·马勒(Louis Malle)拍摄了一场虚构的对话,对话双方是导演安德烈·格雷戈里(Andre Gregory)与编剧兼演员华莱士·肖恩(Wallace Shawn),地点是纽约市中心备受追捧的艺术家餐厅(Cafédes Artistes)。一些喜欢用电影中出现的枪支数量来衡量影片好坏的朋友觉得莫名其妙.
Back before I moved to New York,I remember being smitten by a film called My Dinner with André,in which the director Louis Malle basically captured a fictionalized conversation between the director AndréGregory and the playwright and sometime actor Wallace Shawn at New York’s famed Cafédes Artistes.Friends of mine who rated films by the firearm count couldn’t believe I could sit through two hours of little more than two men discussing the nature of theatre and life,pitting Gregory’s mystical proclivities against Shawn’s unapologetic humanism.