
STEM视角下初中数学教学培养学生应用能力的策略 被引量:1

Strategies Towards Developing the Students’ Ability of Practical Application in Junior High School Mathematics Classroom Teaching From the STEM Perspective
摘要 在初中数学课堂教学中,要培养学生的数学应用意识,提高其应用数学知识解决问题的能力,引导他们由学习数学知识向应用数学知识解决问题的转化,真正做到学以致用,使初中生体会数学的应用价值,感受学习数学的乐趣。开展数学演讲、筛选和分享数学相关视频、数学综合实践、"家长微讲堂"等活动可培养学生的数学应用意识;利用课堂教学的导入环节,促进学生数学应用意识的形成;对涉及工程、产品设计,以及生活中的方案设计和企业利润等问题的探究活动可使学生积累经验;关注数学与其他学科的融合,可引导学生创造性地解决问题;转移学生的关注点,能让学生由课本到生活、由学到用,提高学生的数学应用能力。 In junior high school mathematics classroom teaching,we should foster the students’awareness of the practical application of mathematics,develop the students’ability to apply mathematics to solve problems,enable the students to transform from acquiring mathematical knowledge to applying it to solve problems,and make them put into practice what they have learned,thus letting them realize the importance of the practical application of mathematics and find pleasure out of learning mathematics.The students’awareness about the practical application of mathematics can be raised by holding mathematics-related speech competitions,selecting and sharing mathematics-related videos,involving the students in practical courses and"parents’micro-lecture hall"activities;the lead-in step in classroom teaching can raise the students’awareness about the practical application of mathematics;the students’mathematical ability can be acquired by posing typical questions such as engineering,product design,design plan and profits in daily life,encouraging scientific inquiry that enables the students to gain experience,promoting the integration of mathematics and other subjects,motivating the students to solve problems creatively,and shifting the students’focus from textbooks to real life situation and from theory to practice.
作者 刘艳云 Liu Yanyun(Changchun No.45 Junior High School,Changchun,130012)
出处 《长春教育学院学报》 2020年第10期53-60,共8页 Journal of Changchun Education Institute
关键词 初中数学 应用意识 应用能力 融合 junior high school mathematics application awareness application ability integration
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