
技能偏向型技术进步对技能溢价的影响——基于异质性劳动力流动视角 被引量:1

Skill-biased Technological Progress and Skill Premium——Based on Heterogeneous Labor Mobility Perspective
摘要 本文探究技能偏向型技术进步在异质性劳动力流动的条件下对技能溢价的影响。理论分析发现,技能偏向型技术进步提升高、低技能劳动力的相对生产率,直接增加技能溢价;技能偏向型技术进步增加高技能劳动力供给,通过提高劳动力技能结构,间接降低技能溢价;技能偏向型技术进步增加地区高、低技能劳动力流入,劳动力流入总量提升高、低技能劳动力的相对生产率,并且对劳动力技能结构有负向作用,间接增加技能溢价。运用1987~2018年省级面板数据和CGSS2010-2017年数据进行实证检验发现,技能偏向型技术进步对高技能劳动力工资的提高大于对低技能劳动力工资的提高,直接增加技能溢价;技能偏向型技术进步提高当地劳动力技能结构,其降低高技能劳动力工资,提高低技能劳动力工资,间接降低技能溢价;技能偏向型技术进步增加地区劳动力流入,其对高技能劳动力工资的提高大于对低技能劳动力工资的提高,间接增加技能溢价。 This paper analyzes the mechanism of the effect of skill-biased technological progress on skill premium from the perspective of heterogeneous labor mobility.Firstly,we construct a theoretical model to analyze the direct effect of skill-biased technological change on skill premium and the indirect effect through the total number of migrant workers and the skill structure of workers.It is found that skill-biased technological progress increases the relative productivity of highand low-skilled labors,directly increasing skill premium.Skill-biased technological progress increases the supply of high-skilled labors,which improves the skill structure of labors and indirectly reduces skill premium.Skill-biased technological progress increases high-and low-skilled labors inflows,the total inflow of labors increases the relative productivity of high-and low-skilled labors,reduces the skill structure of the labors,and indirectly increases skill premium.Secondly,we use panel data and CGSS2010-2017 data to do the empirical test.The results show that the effect of skill-biased technological progress on the wage of high-skilled labors is bigger than the effect of skill-biased technological progress on the wage of low-skilled labors,which increases skill premium directly.Besides,skill-biased technological progress improves skill structure of labors and reduces the skill premium through reducing the wages of high-skilled labors and increasing the wages of low-skilled labors.Skill-biased technological change increases the inflow of labors.The effect of inflow of labors on wages of high-skilled labors is bigger than the effect of inflow of labors on wages of low-skilled labors,which indirectly increases skill premium.
作者 李朝婷 刘国亮 李佳 Chaoting Li;Guoliang Liu;Jia Li
出处 《产业经济评论(山东)》 2021年第3期134-155,共22页 Review of Industrial Economics
关键词 技能偏向型技术进步 异质性劳动力流动 技能溢价 Skill-biased Technological Progress Heterogeneous Labor Mobility Skill Premium
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