The thoroughness of historical materialism as a scientific theory will be challenged if historical materialism based on the critique and reconstruction of the capitalist society does not have the same explanatory effect for the pre-capitalist society.This article argues that the development and explanation of historical materialism still"has to be sought in political economy",for the specific application of which Forms is a paradigm.Marx discussed three forms of ownership in the precapitalist society by using the"private ownership"and the"urban-rural relationship"as the main clues in the Forms,which not only clarified the historical premises of capital’s movement,but also outlined historical materialism.In addition,Marx’s historical analysis method in Forms provides clues for understanding Marx’s entire concept of historical development.It is through the study of Forms that we can understand the true connotation of the"Scheme of Social Evolution"given by Marx in the"Preface"of the A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy,and comprehend that Marx’s concept of historical development is not a linear or mechanical"progressive narrative method of the Enlightenment",but something compound and parallel,diverse and open.Finally,this article argues that Marx’s true purpose in Forms is not just to explain the specific characteristics of the ownership in the precapitalist society;what is crucial for Marx is that his research on the precapitalist society based on that of the capitalist’society can contribute to a better analysis of the capitalist society,so that the tension and boundaries of capitalism in terms of its structure,history and diachrony can be clarified and the understanding of the capitalist society deepened.
Contemporary Marxism Review
Historical materialism
Critique of political economy
Concept historical development
Pre-capitalist society
Private ownership
Urban-rural relationship