Revealing and comparing the evolution process of hot topics in the field of Digital Library in China and abroad.[Methods]:Taking data in the field of Digital Library from core journals in CKNI and Web of Science from 1990 s to 2020,topics are extracted by LDA model and hot topics are selected based on life cycle theory.Topic evolution paths are generated to contrast evolution of hot topics between home and abroad which are grouped into dimensions of technology and application.It fails to analyze the lagging performance and reasons of research hot topics in the field of Digital Library at home and abroad.In technological dimension of Digital Library,the research content in China lags behind that at abroad.In terms of application dimension,Chinese application tends to focus on social sciences,while application at abroad tends to focus on natural sciences.The evolution of overall research focus is U-shaped,which gradually shifted from technological research to application research,and now turn back to technological dimension.Nowadays,there are also many emerging topics combined with big data technology.