In the daily practices of multilateral diplomacy and global governance,States and their dipiomates weigh very differently in terms of discursive influences,action impacts,standings and reputations,among others.Such phenomenon of inequality is described as international pecking order.In the International Pecking Orders:The Politics and Practice of Multilateral Diplomacy,published in 2016 by Canadian scholar Vincent Pouliot,draws on social theories of Evring Goffman and Pierre Bourdieu to argue that pecking orders are social reality emerging in and through practices,and the multilateral djplomatic practices,as social situations,are shaped by contextual knowledge dispositions embodied by practitioners,the social relations where practitioners are placed,as well as their dispositions within the social configurations.The international practice theory of multilateral diplomacy brings contribution to the study of international hierarchy with alternative explanations.Jt is also enlightening for China to participate in global governance in a more in-depth way and to enhance its discursive power in international organizations and multilateral institutions.
International Pecking Order
Multilateral Diplomacy
Theory of International Practices