

The Great Drought of 1928-1930 in the Guanzhong Region and the Local Adjustment
摘要 1928—1930年,关中地区发生了一场历史罕见的大旱灾。这场旱灾因降水不足等气候变化而起,在腐败暴敛的苛政、国民政府与军阀争夺权力的混战、广种罂粟以致粮产锐减等人为祸害中迅速恶化。在天灾人祸的双重压迫下,关中地区本就脆弱的生态环境进一步失衡,大量人口在旱灾中死亡、流失,造成农村劳动力的严重匮乏,耕地抛荒现象严重,农村经济秩序几近崩溃,给民众的物质生活与精神生活带来了极恶劣的负面影响。面对奇荒,南京国民政府与陕西省地方政府推行了一系列调适政策,其中对农业种植结构的调整、水利工程的修建、农村合作运动的开展等政策不仅在短时间内使关中农民从旱灾的打击中恢复过来,也增强了民众长期抵御灾害的能力。广大民众也在灾后积极发展副业以弥补农业生产的不足,并认识到在灾害环境中团结协作的可贵,开始从传统的分散经营走向近代式的集体协作。政府与民众的灾害调适不仅降低了关中应对旱灾的社会脆弱性,而且在一定程度上推动了关中地区水利事业、农业乃至整个社会的近代化进程,使旱灾这一关中地区的主要灾害类型成了推动地方社会变迁的重要原动力,也为以后的防灾抗灾工作提供了一定启示。 From 1928 to 1930,a rare drought broke out in the Guanzhong area.The drought,caused by insufficient precipitation and other climate changes,rapidly worsened amidst man-made scourges such as excessive corruption,a struggle for power between the national government and warlords,and a collapse in food production due to widespread poppy cultivation.Under the double pressure of natural and man made disasters,the fragile ecological environment in the Guanzhong region was further imbalanced.A large number of people died in the drought,resulting in a severe shortage of rural labor,serious abandonment of arable land,and the near-collapse of rural economic order.This drought has had a very devastating effect on people's material and spiritual life.In the face of the drought,the Nanjing National Government and the local government of Shaanxi Province implemented a series of adjustment policies,among which the adjustment of the agricultural planting structure,the construction of water conservancy projects,and the rural cooperative movement not only enabled the farmers in Guanzhong region to recover from the drought quickly,but also strengthened people's ability to withstand the disaster in the future.After the disaster,the general public also actively developed the sideline to make up for the shortage of agricultural production.They recognized the value of solidarity and cooperation in the disaster environment,and began to transition from traditional decentralized management to modern-style collective collaboration.Drought,previously a major disaster in Guanzhong,now an important source of power to promote local social changes because effective measures by the government and the people not only reduced the social vulnerability to drought in Guanzhong area,but also promoted the modernization process of water conservancy,agriculture and even the whole society in this area.It also sheds some light on the prevention and relief work in the future.
作者 刘婷 程森 Liu Ting;Cheng Sen
出处 《黄河文明与可持续发展》 2024年第1期155-174,共20页 Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development
基金 2022年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“黄土高原水土流失治理史研究”(22JJD770056) 2024年陕西省哲学社会科学研究专项青年项目“陕北黄土高原水土流失治理史研究”(2024QN048)研究成果
关键词 1928—1930年 关中地区 旱灾 调适 1928-1930 Guanzhong region drought adjustment
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