

A Long Way to Go for the Sinicization of Christianity:DING Guangxun’s theological thoughts as an Example
摘要 基督教信仰作为一种成熟的文化形态和神学体系在世界范围内广为流布,主要归功于西方社会和文化因素对它的建构、发展及完善。回溯基督教进入中国的历史,为了解决水土不服,它就一直行走在不断中国化的进程中。在近一个世纪的生命历程中,丁光训以其亲身的信仰实践及其对社会现实的深刻洞察,建立了以“三自原则和爱国爱教”为教会政治立场的中国教会。今天当人们谈起中国教会的建设时,不能不想到丁光训这位世纪老人;当人们在憧憬着中国神学的未来发展时,不能不提起他的努力与贡献。作为中国教会的首席发言人,他的神学思想无疑影响着现在乃至将来的中国教会及神学。本文结合学习党中央提出的必须坚持我国宗教中国化方向之精神,以丁光训主教的基督教中国化思想为例而展开论述。在丁光训的神学思想中,中国基督徒的“本国化”也是中国基督徒的使命的独特之处。“本国化”指的不独是信仰层面的探求,还应该含括政治层面、文化层面、神学层面等历史条件下的中国化神学思考。 Christian belief,as a mature cultural ideology and theological system,has spread widely across the world,largely owing to the construction,development,and refinement of Western social and cultural factors.Since the introduction of Christianity to China in history,it has undergone a continuous process of Sinicization,aimed at addressing the complexities of cultural assimilation and adaptation.Over the course of nearly a century,DING Guangxun,with his personal faith practice and deep understanding of social realities,played a pivotal role in establishing the Chinese church,which embraced the political stance of the“Three Self Principles and Patriotism and Love of Religion”.Whenever the topic of constructing the Chinese church arises,the name of this venerable centenarian is inevitably brought to mind.Whenever people ponder the future trajectory of Chinese theology,DING Guangxun’s tireless efforts and significant contributions are consistently acknowledged.As the foremost spokesman of the Chinese Church,DING Guangxun’s theological ideas undoubtedly continue to exert a profound influence on the current and future landscape of the Chinese church and theology.This paper delves into the spirit of upholding the Sinicization of Chinese religion,as advocated by the CPC Central Committee,with a specific focus on Bishop DING Guangxun’s concept of Christian Sinicization as an exemplary case.Within DING Guangxun’s theological framework,the localization of Chinese Christians holds a distinctive role in fulfilling the mission of Chinese Christianity.“Nationlization”encompasses not only the exploration of faith but also the theological considerations of Sinicization within the historical contexts of politics,culture,and theology.
作者 张秀秀 ZHANG Xiuxiu
出处 《基督宗教研究》 2022年第2期586-593,共8页 Study of Christianity
关键词 基督教 中国化 丁光训 神学思想 大国外交 Christianity Sinicization DING Guangxun Theology thoughts Major-country diplomacy
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