

The Vietnam Problem in the Catholic’s Missionary Cases of Guangxi in the Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 教案是清末广西历史上中外交涉与地方治理的重中之重。自西林教案发生后,广西民教矛盾愈发凸显,民教冲突直接造成中法间的交涉与赔款,激化了广西社会反教、仇教情绪。19世纪80年代,由于广西特殊的地缘环境,伴随着越事即越南问题的出现,法国巴黎外方传教会在桂传教活动相继引起上思教案、贵县三板桥事件在内的多起教案。随中法越三国关系的变化,越事成为广西民教冲突发生的重要因素之一。在中法战争的影响下,清末广西教案中的越事因素呈现出天主教教案复杂的历史面向、法国对华侵略企图以及在民教冲突过程中官方治理与地方因应的复杂变化,越事成为透视清末广西教案的一个新视角。 The Church case was the most important issue in the history of Guangxi in the late Qing Dynasty in terms of Negotiation between China and the Powers,and local governance.Since the occurrence of the Father Chapdelaine Incident,the contradiction between the people and the church in Guangxi has become more and more prominent,and the conflict between the people and the church has directly caused the negotiation and reparation between China and France,which has intensified the anti-religion and hatred sentiment of Guangxi society.In the 1880s,due to the special geopolitical environment of Guangxi,along with the emergence of the Vietnam issue,the missionary activities of the Paris Foreign Missions Society in Guangxi caused several church cases including the conflict between the people and the church in Shangsi and Sanbanqiao of Guixian County one after another.With the change in the relationship between China,France,and Vietnam,the Vietnam problem became one of the important factors for the occurrence of the many Christianity’s conflict in Guangxi.Under the influence of the Sino-French War,the Vietnam problem in the late Qing Dynasty Guangxi Church case presents the complex historical aspects of the Catholic’s missionary cases,France’s attempt to invade China,and the complex changes of official governance and local response in the process of the conflict between the people and the church,and the Vietnam problem becomes a new perspective of Guangxi Missionary cases of the late Qing Dynasty.
作者 乔会妮 QIAO Huini
出处 《基督宗教研究》 2024年第1期356-369,共14页 Study of Christianity
关键词 教案 越事 广西 巴黎外方传教会 中法战争 Missionary Cases The Vietnam problem Guangxi Paris Foreign Missions Society Sino-French War
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