
清末民初陆军军医学校考述 被引量:4

Research on Army Medical School in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China
摘要 陆军军医学校是民国中央政府开设的一所重要的军事医学院校,1901年在天津开创,归北洋军医局管理,1907年,陆军部接管并颇有建树。进入民国后,陆军部着力推进该校师资及其深造机制、医药人材分科递进培养机制的建设。该校招生政策虽然时有调整,但整体稳定。学校对学生的教育管理比较严格,保证了毕业生的质量。1915年该校附属医院的设置,极大地方便了学校师生的医学实践,为其扩展社会服务创造了条件,也为日后各种军事医学机构服务普通民众提供了一个较好的模板。20年代初,陆军军医学校因办学经费紧缺而走向没落,尽管遭遇政权更迭,仍在新时代中得以延续。这也是民初许多教育机构在时代转折中难以幸免的痛苦经历。缕清清末民初陆军军医学校的曲折发展历程,对近代中国军事教育史研究具有重要意义。 The Army Medical School was an important military medical school established by the Central Government of the Republic of China.When founded in Tianjin in 1901,it was under the administration of the Beiyang Military Medical Bureau.It was taken over by the Army Department in 1907 and soon made great achievements.In the period of the Republic of China,the Army Department took efforts to promote the construction of the mechanism of the faculty and their further study,and that of the progressive training of medical personnel.The school’s enrollment policy was subject to slight adjustments,but it generally remained stable.Its education and management for students was fairly strict,ensuring the quality of those graduating from the school.The establishment of an affiliated hospital in 1915 greatly facilitated the medical practice of both the teachers and students,creating conditions for its expansion of social services,and served as a model for military medical institutions providing service for the public.Lack of funds in the early 1920 s led to the decline of the Army Medical School.This was the misfortune that many educational institutions in the early Republic of China could not possibly avoid in the change of the times.The study of the tortuous experience of the Army Medical School from the late Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republic of China might be of significance to the study of modern Chinese military education history.
作者 张建军 Zhang Jianjun(School of History&Culture,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010022)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2020年第2期23-44,共22页 Military History Research
关键词 清末民初 北洋军医学堂 陆军军医学校 军事医学 军事教育 late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China Beiyang Military Medical College Army Medical School military medicine military education
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