

A Study on Remuneration for Capital Troops in Early Qing Dynasty——Based on Hubu Regulations in Qianlong Period
摘要 清前期,为驻防京城的军队即禁旅八旗和巡捕三营发放俸饷,事关王朝统治核心的安稳。中国国家图书馆珍藏的乾隆钞本《户部则例》,作为清代最早版本的《户部则例》,对此情况多有记载。考察该书可知,禁旅八旗官员的俸饷主要包括两部分,一是传统的按品级支给的俸银和饷米,二是传统俸饷之外按不同官职给予的额外加饷即亲随兵坐粮;而禁旅八旗兵丁仅有按具体身份之不同领取的不同数额的饷银和饷米。禁旅八旗官兵俸饷的具体数额在顺治元年确定,经过多次变动,到乾隆元年形成定例并沿用至乾隆十八年。巡捕三营官弁在清前期基本由禁旅八旗官员兼任,因其本身有按品级支给的俸薪,故不再领取巡捕营官弁俸薪;到康熙后期开始有民籍身份的官员担任巡捕营官弁,清廷规定他们的俸饷依照旗人的标准发放。巡捕三营兵丁的俸饷则按普通绿旗士兵的标准发放,该数额在顺治元年拟定,到顺治五年形成定例并被沿用至乾隆十八年。 In the early Qing Dynasty,there were two troops stationed in the capital city:the Eight Banners Camp and the Xunbu Camp Three.The remuneration for the members of the two troops was recorded in Hubu Regulations,which was a copy in Qianlong period.The earnings of the officers of the Eight Banners Camp were composed of not only their salaries and food rations according to their ranks,but also additional pays according to their positions,while the common soldiers could only receive certain amounts of allowances depending on their status.The specific system of earnings for the officers and soldiers in the Eight Banners Camp was first formed in the first year of Shunzhi Period(1644),and underwent several changes before it became standard practice in the first year of Qianlong Period(1736),then continued until the eighteenth year of Qianlong Period(1753).In the early Qing Dynasty,most of the officers of Xunbu Camp Three were concurrently officers of the Eight Banners Camp,therefore,they were not entitled to another salary.Beginning from the late Kangxi Period,officials of Han Nationality origin served as Xunbu Camp Three officers and they were paid accordingly.The ordinary soldiers of Xunbu Camp Three received allowances according to the standard practice for the Green Standard Army.This system of earnings for Xunbu Camp Three soldiers,which was drawn up in the first year of Shunzhi Period(1644),became an established rule by the fifth year of Shunzhi Period(1648),and lasted until the eighteenth year of Qianlong Period(1753).
作者 乔玉红 Qiao Yuhong(School of History and Culture,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2020年第3期75-88,共14页 Military History Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“明清孤本法律典籍整理与研究”(16ZDA125)
关键词 清前期 驻京军队 禁旅八旗 巡捕三营 俸饷 乾隆钞本《户部则例》 the Early Qing Dynasty troops stationed in the capital city the Eight Banners Camp the Xunbu Camp Three remuneration Hubu Regulations in Qianlong Period
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  • 1.《康熙起居注》[M].,.第1964、2036页. 被引量:7
  • 2.《康熙起居注》第一册[M].,康熙十六年丁巳四月.第300页. 被引量:4
  • 3.《章氏遗书》卷二七《湖北通志辨例》.,.. 被引量:1
  • 4《钦定户部则例》(同治四年)眷首 被引量:1
  • 5《清高宗实录》.卷九六三.乾隆三十九年七月壬申 被引量:1
  • 6《钦定户部则例》(同治四年本)卷首.《奏折》 被引量:1
  • 7《章氏遗书》卷二七.《通志检稿》.《湖北通志辨例》 被引量:1
  • 8《铁定户部则例》(同治十三年本)卷九十八,《通例》 被引量:1
  • 9《钦定户部则例》(同治四年本)卷首 被引量:1
  • 10《钦定户部则例》卷首,户部片 被引量:1









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