

Historical Research on Capture of Nanjing by 35th Army of PLA
摘要 中国人民解放军第35军占领南京是中国近代史上的大事,一直以来受到广泛关注,但由于时间久远等原因,关于国民党人员(部队)何时撤离南京、第35军何时渡江、何时进占南京、具体哪支部队何时首先占领国民党总统府等问题仍存在一些争议。笔者经考证认为:"第35军第103师侦察连于1949年4月22日便已从南京对面的浦口渡江,并且是该连首先占领总统府和国防部二厅""第105师师长何志斌亲率该师第315团第2营于4月24日凌晨占领总统府"等说法是站不住脚的。第35军是在国民党因解放军大军压境弃守南京的情况下并在南京中共地下党的密切配合下进占南京的;第35军渡过长江的时间是从4月23日傍晚至24日中午;占领国民政府总统府的部队是第35军第104师所属部队,占领总统府的时间是24日凌晨。 The capture of Nanjing by the 35 th Army of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is a major event in the modern history of China,which has been a topic of extensive concern.But there remains some controversy about the time when KMT personnel(troops)left Nanjing,when the 35 th Army crossed the Yangtze River and when the PLA captured the city,and also when and which specific unit of the 35 th Army first seized the KMT Presidential Office.The author’s research reveals that the Reconnaissance Company of the 103 rd Division of the 35 th Army crossed the river from Pukou on April 22,1949,and it was this company that first entered and seized the Presidential Office and Department Two of the Ministry of Defense.The claim that He Zhibin,the commander of the 105 th Division personally led the 2 nd Battalion of the 315 th Regiment on April 24 in occupying the Presidential Office is untenable.Actually,after the approaching PLA forces forced the KMT troops to abandon Nanjing,the 35 th Army entered and captured Nanjing with the close coordination of the CPC underground party.The time when this Army crossed the Yangtze River was from the evening of April 23 to the noon of April 24.The forces that seized the Presidential Office of the Nanjing National Government were those of the 104 th Division of the35 th Army,and the time of seizure was in the small hours of April 24.
作者 何卫 He Wei
机构地区 不详
出处 《军事历史研究》 2020年第5期100-113,共14页 Military History Research
关键词 渡江战役 中国人民解放军第35军 强渡长江 解放南京 占领总统府 the Campaign of Crossing the Yangtze River the 35th Army of PLA crossing the Yangtze River liberation of Nanjing seizure of the Presidential Office
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