

Reorganization of Qiongya Independent Corps into Qiongya Column in 1944
摘要 学界普遍认为,1944年,根据中共中央指示,广东省琼崖游击队独立总队改编为广东省琼崖游击队独立纵队。然而,1943至1944年年底,琼崖特委与上级的联系几乎完全中断。那么,在此情况下,中共中央的指示怎么可能传达给琼崖特委?传达如此重要指示的信使是谁?部队改编是在哪个月份进行的?是依据中共中央的指示吗?对于前两个问题,学界向未给予追问和关注。对于后两个问题,已有研究和抗战亲历者有不同说法,但都没有提供原始文献依据。遍查文献和仔细考辨,可以确定的是,部队改编的时间是1944年9月20日,并非是根据中共中央而是来自南方局的指示;南路特委书记周楠1944年3月至7月的重庆之行,不但打通了南路特委与南方局的联络,而且打通了琼崖特委与南方局的联络,传达指示的人是交通员“老梁”。要澄清许多似是而非的问题,必须秉持学术研究的基本守则;就类似论题来说,亟应加强对党内交通的研究,进而推进对革命政党适应力、反应力和生存能力等的认识。 It has been generally believed in the academic circle that according to the instructions of the CPC Central Committee,Guangdong Province Qiongya Independent Guerrilla Corps was reorganized in 1944 into Guangdong Province Qiongya Independent Guerrilla Column.However,the contact between the Qiongya Special Committee and its superiors was almost completely interrupted from 1943 to the end of 1944.Then,how could the instructions of the CPC Central Committee be conveyed to Qiongya Special Committee?Who was the messenger delivering such important instructions?In which month did the troop reorganization take place?Was it reorganized according to instructions from the CPC Central Committee?For the first two questions,the academic community has so far not paid any attention.For the other two questions,existing researches and war witnesses have offered different opinions,but provided no original literature basis.Careful literature study and examination confirm that the troop was reorganized on September 20,1944 according to instructions from the CPC Southern Bureau rather than from the Central Committee,that Zhou Nan,secretary of the South Road Special Committee,was in Chongqing from March to July 1944,which not only built the contact between the South Road Special Committee and the Southern Bureau but also created the liasion between the Qiongya Special Committee and the Southern Bureau,and that the person who conveyed the instruction was a secret agent called“Lao Liang”.When trying to clarify specious issues,we need to adhere to the basic rules of academic research.
作者 游海华 You Haihua(School of Marxism,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210023)
出处 《军事历史研究》 2023年第6期112-122,共11页 Military History Research
基金 2016年国家社会科学基金抗日战争研究专项工程项目“中国共产党领导的敌后抗战”(16KZD011)子课题“华南抗日根据地史”
关键词 海南 琼崖纵队 琼崖特委 冯白驹 抗日战争 Hainan Qiongya Column Qiongya Special Committee Feng Baiju the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
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