A monster in the fourth ventricle of a boy aged 31/2 years was described.This is probably the third case of intracranial monster reported in the literature.Externally,the monster was enveloped within the amniotic membrane.Its umbilical cord was attached to the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle of the host.The monster had neither head nor limbs,but its cephalico-caudal and ventro-dorsal aspects could still be distinguished.At the cephalic end there recognized hairs and dental plate,while at the caudal end there were gluteus and rudimental external genital organ,along the dorsal mid-line there was the vertebral column with well developed vertebrae,in the canal of which there was a spinal cord.Spinal ganglia were present in the intervertebral foramina.Some skele-tal muscles were attached to the vertebrae.In the umbilical region there were a loop of colon with mesentery,primitive liver and a short umbilical cord.Neither heart nor thoracic or abdominal cavity was present.According to the classification of Willis,such a monster was of the amorphous type.After the monster being removed the boy com-pletely recovered.The pathogenesis of the intracranial monster was discussed.The‘fetus in setu’may be regarded as monozygotic but unequal twins.It is suggested that during the early blastocyst,the inner cell mass is divided into two unequal masses.The one which oc-cupies a favorite position and gets a good blood supply from the placents develops nor-mally,while the other mass,with defective blood supply lags behind,differentiates in-completely and eventually becomes encased in the body of the normal co-twin,some-times intracranially as in the case reported.
TSANG HSU;FAN TU(Department of Pathology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Peking;Department of Neurosurgy,Peking Union Hospital)
Acta Anatomica Sinica