经0.2~0.5微克/毫升细胞松弛素D处理后,ECa 109细胞以暗、亮细胞为主。在间期细胞中,出现了一种小细胞。其细胞间隙变大,微绒毛减少,出现了胞浆突。0.5~1微克/毫升细胞松弛素D处理后细胞表面出现芽胞,其中可含有内质网、高尔基复合器、线粒体等细胞器。在胞质中,可见到靶形线粒体、重膜夹片内质网与环形内质网;高尔基复合器分散。还出现一种多核巨细胞,一个细胞中可见2~6个核,核大小不一,形态各异,每个核的核膜变化很大,有些没有完整核膜。有丝分裂细胞仍可见到。根据细胞松弛素D所致ECa 109细胞超微结构的改变,提出了微丝在支持细胞结构与维持功能中的作用。并讨论了微丝与微管在维持细胞结构与功能的细胞骨架系统中作用的异同。
The effect of cytochalasin D on ECa109 esophageal sqamous cancer cells was studied.When(ECa109)cells were treated with 0.2~1μg/ml cytochalasin D,small epithelial cells with a few microvilli could be seen.After incubation with 0.5μg/ml of cytochalasin D for one or three days,irregular buds containing endoplasmic reticulum,mitochondria and Golgi complexes grew out from the surface of the epithelial cells.The target-shaped mitochondria,the"confronting cisterna"of the endoplasmic reticulum,ring-shaped endoplasmic reticulum and disaggregated Golgi complexes were appeared in the cytoplasm.After treatment with 0.2μg/ml of cytochalasin D for one day multinucleated epithelial cells appeared.There were 2~6 nuclei,with different in size and shape.Some nuclei were fully enclosed with neuclear envelops and the others only partically.Mitotic cells could be seen too.The effect of cytochalasin D on the structure and function of the epithelial cells and the different roles played by the actin and tubulin in keeping the normal function of the cytoskeleton system of the ECa109 cells were discussed.
Ning Ailan;Pan Qongqian(Department of Cell Biology,Cancer Institute,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences)
Acta Anatomica Sinica