

Recovery and Name Investigation of the Mogao Central Pillar Caves 254 and 257——Tasi(Pagoda-Temple)
摘要 佛教东传的过程中,早期佛教建筑形制的演变充分体现了印度、中亚与中原的文化交融。作为历史见证,莫高窟壁画中描绘了许多令人费解的建筑形象,比如第257窟南壁说法图中的殿阙形塔。为了寻根溯源,通过查找历史典籍与不断发现的考古新资料,笔者进行了西北地区早期殿阙式塔的复原研究。这座建筑是由殿、阙、塔三者组合而成名为"塔寺"的一座小型佛教寺院。对此,在研究中对其布局、装饰细部和构造多个层面进行有依据的复原设计,再现了其建筑艺术中汉文化与外来佛教文化的完美融合。同时还利用三维数字建模技术,对复原方案进行了多角度的考查验证。复原参考了第254窟的典型中心塔柱窟的室内空间,也结合了第257窟壁画中的建筑图像。本研究提出一种多维解读早期敦煌壁画中"塔寺"这种独特建筑形式的方法,同时探讨了中心塔柱窟空间的设计意图。该复原案例早于现存的汉传佛教建筑,为早期汉传佛教建筑艺术的相关研究提供了参考,得出塔寺建筑是西域佛塔向中原佛寺建筑的重要过渡形式这一结论。 The pagoda-centered monasteries,as an archaic prototype of Buddhist architecture in China,have evolved from India,Central Asia and Chinese(Central Plain)building cultures during the sinicization of Buddhism.This paper presents a study of the pagoda-centered monasteries in the Northern Dynasties’period by theoretically reconstructing a possible prototype based on various evidences.This study proposes a paradigm named pagoda-temple,or dianque shi tayuan("hall-and-gate-tower-style pagoda courtyard"),which is an architectural hybrid of a front chamber,two gatetowers,a quadrilateral pagoda and surrounding interior corridors.This hypothesis is supported by a range of contemporary traces,such as textual records,pictorial depictions in mural paintings and stone carvings,cave-chapel space,local constructing technologies,and building relics.Two main references are the interior space of the central pillar caves(e.g.Mogao cave 254),and the exterior form of pagoda-on-top-of-chambers depicted in Dunhuang murals(e.g.Mogao cave 257).The paper then presents a reconstruction design of the pagoda-temple to examine this hypothesis at the levels of layout,construction,and ornamentation;while digital and physical modeling technologies are used to represent the architectural art of the pagoda-temple three-dimensionally.By synthesizing the scattered materials,the paper reveals an extinct prototype of the pagoda-centered monasteries in fifth-to sixth-century northwestern China.This case study is aimed to reflect a boarder scenario how Chinese pagodas have imitated and transformed multiple paradigms during the spread of Buddhism along the silk routes.In short,pagoda-temple architecture is an important witne ss of the typological transition from Indian stupa to Chinese monastery architecture.
出处 《中国建筑史论汇刊》 2019年第2期-,共16页 Journal of Chinese Architecture History
关键词 莫高窟第254窟 第257窟 殿阙式塔院 塔寺 建筑复原研究 北魏时期 Mogao caves 254 and 257 dianque shi tayuan(hall-and-gate-tower-style pagoda courtyard) tasi(pagoda-temple) theoretical reconstruction the Northern Wei dynasty
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