

The Differences of the Positive and Negative“Pyramid”Images Between the Ancient and Modern Grassroots Dispute Resolution Modes——On the Reconstruction of Grass Roots Dispute Resolution Mechanism Under the Enlightenment of Fengqiao Experience
摘要 古代中国基层社会解纷模式有三大主要特征:一是解纷依据主要为百姓熟知的情理和习惯;二是解纷主持者主要为深孚众望的乡贤群体;三是矛盾纠纷大多化解于民间而不需见官。这种模式,从依据、主持人、结果三方面看,其重心都在下面,在民间。这种解纷模式呈现一种“正金字塔”影像。今日中国基层解纷模式则似乎相反,解纷依据主要为国家制定法,解纷力量主要为官式法律职业群体,纠纷最终解决大多完成于国家司法或行政机关。这种解纷模式,三者重心皆在上面,在官方。这种模式呈现一种“倒金字塔”影像。这种解纷资源集中于官方或中心城镇的“重心在上”模式,使基层群众对制定法和官方解纷体制有疏离感,不利于基层矛盾纠纷的及时顺畅化解。这一情形亟待改变,“枫桥经验”已经为我们提供了有益的借鉴。 There are three main characteristics of the mode of resolving disputes in ancient China’s grass-roots society:first,the basis of resolving disputes is mainly based on the common people’s well-known feelings and habits;second,the leaders of the dispute resolution are mainly the well-known group of rural sages;third,most of the disputes are resolved among the rural area without a suit This mode,from the three aspects of the basis,host,results,its focus is below,in the folk.This mode of resolving disputes presents a"positive pyramid"image.Today,the mode of resolving disputes at the grass-roots level in China seems to be on the contrary.The basis of resolving disputes is mainly the national enacted law,and the resources of resolving disputes is mainly the official legal professional group.The final settlement of disputes is mostly completed by the Judiciary or administrative organs.This mode of resolving disputes,the three focus is on the top,in the official.This pattern presents an"inverted pyramid"image.This kind of"focus on the top"mode,which focuses the resources of resolving disputes on the government or the town,makes the grass-roots people feel alienated from the law and the official dispute resolution system,which is not conducive to the timely and smoothly resolution of disputes at the grass-roots level.This situation needs to be changed,"Fengqiao Experience"has provided us with useful reference.
作者 魏文超 范忠信 Wei Wenchao;Fan Zhongxin
出处 《民间法》 2021年第2期183-194,共12页
基金 江西省社科“十三五”规划项目《明清徽州乡贤解纷机制研究》(项目编号:18FX07)
关键词 纠纷 解纷 金字塔 法治 乡贤 dispute dispute resolution pyramid rule of law Rural sage
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