The main mining area Ezhuang Coal Mine in the late stage of production has been transferred to the deep syncline axis of the mine.Based on the fact that the coal mining face is mainly concentrated in the abnormal gas area in the shaft of syncline,there is abnormal gas emission during the mining process,which seriously affects the safety of mine production.In particular,it is more difficult to control gas in the gob area of the coal mining face at the syncline axis,the return air corner of the coal mining face,and other locations that are prone to gas accumulation.In addition,the gas drainage mining technology is complicated,the mining cost is high,and the coal seam mining thickness and geological conditions are relatively high,combined with the coal seam occurrence characteristics,mining height conditions and gas occurrence conditions of the Ezhuang Coal Mine,the gas control treatment methods and measures adopted in high gas mines,coal and gas outburst mines are not suitable with poor technical operability and unreasonable economy.Therefore,in order to improve the scientificity and pertinence of gas control,Ezhuang coal mine needs to study and grasp the characteristics of gas occurrence and the law of gas emission,and develop a set of comprehensive control measures that conform to the special geological structure area based on the actual conditions of the special geological structure area.The control measures are carried out by studying the gas emission law and the characteristics of gas accumulation in the coal mining face of the syncline axis,combining the different ventilation methods of the coal mining face and adopting the appropriate gas drainage technology,the"U"type ventilation and return air corner gas drainage technology,"Y"type ventilation+gas drainage technology along gob-side entry and high-level borehole gas drainage technology in the gob area of coal mining face were used to treat the gas emitted during the production process to prevent the coal mining face gas accumulation and eliminate hidden gas
WU Hao;YANG Weibo;LIU Yuanbao;CHENG Lei;ZHAO Jianhua;CHEN Guolei;LIU Dongjiao;CHEN Bo(Ezhuang Coal Mine,Xinwen Mining Group Co.,Ltd.,Laiwu 271122,China)
Coal Science and Technology