
灵魂与空间:金平傣族的叫魂仪式 被引量:1

Soul and Space:The Ceremony for Calling the Soul of the Dai People in Jinping
摘要 叫魂习俗普遍存在于我国城乡各地,是灵魂信仰最直观的宗教实践活动。在云南省金平县傣族种类多样的叫魂仪式背后,存在着一个灵魂与空间的二元对应体系,灵魂的性质有善有恶,每一种灵魂都有它固定的位置所在,当灵魂离开自己应处的空间时,"肮脏"抑或"失序"就发生了,叫魂仪式就是使灵魂回归自己应处位置从而恢复人体健康和社会秩序的宗教解释和实践措施。 The custom of"Calling the soul"is an ancient tradition which is widespread in both urban and rural areas of China,and is one of the most directly observed practical activities of Chinese folk soul belief.At the same time,if seen from the perspective of medical anthropology,the practice of"calling the soul"is also a popular folk psychotherapy.Even now,the custom still prevails in the Mengla Dai area of Jinping,Yunnan Province.Local people in this area hold various rituals for"calling the soul"in their daily lives.Due to different social,cultural and historical factors,the Jinping Dai ethnic group is divided into four subbranches.This study focuses on the Bai Dai(or white Dai)and Pu’er Dai.As a sub-branch which has been influenced by the surrounding Han culture the most deeply during the long course of their history,the Bai Dai gradually formed a folk belief system based upon ancestor worship rather than Theravada Buddhism.However,the Pu’er Dai,who are believed to have migrated from the Xishuangbanna,formed a religious belief system in which Theravada Buddhism and folk beliefs coexist.The combination of three elements:diversified religious festivals,rituals and ritual specialists constitute the belief system of the Mengla Dai people.Various kinds of souls and spirits inhabit the spiritual world of the Mengla Dai people.Their numbers,whether they are good or evil,as well as their location,are closely related to the daily lives of the local Dai people.The ritual for"calling the soul"is the most common religious ceremony in this area.If the ceremonies are judged from the directional aspect of the soul calling,they can be divided into two kinds:One is for the purpose of calling the soul back,and the other is to send the soul out.If they are judged from the objective of the soul calling,the ceremonies can be divided into four kinds:calling the soul for the living(such as calling back the soul of someone who is either frightened,or suffering from long-standing sickness,or who does not feel well after attending a fune
作者 高登荣 黄昕莹 Gao Dengrong;Huang Xinying(Yunnan Minzu University,Kunming,650500,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期76-82,139-140,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中、越、老、缅跨境民族地区民间信仰数字地图集”(17ZDA210)阶段性成果.
关键词 灵魂信仰 洁净观 社会秩序 金平傣族 叫魂仪式 soul calling view of soul space division
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  • 8此数据为1998年统计的数据,由勐拉乡政府提供. 被引量:1
  • 9参见《金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县志》,金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县地方志编纂委员会编,生活*读书*新知三联书店出版(中国北京朝内大街166号),1994年12月第一版. 被引量:1
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