

An Analysis of the Interpretation Process and Naming Principle on Five-Character Paralleled Metrical Poetry in Poetic Theory
摘要 本文考察五言排律在诗学理论层面的阐述历史。唐人对五排诗体的理论阐述总体处于隐而未发的状态,惟有元稹对长篇律体在创作动机、艺术优长及缺陷等方面的特点有比较精当的表述,推杜甫五排为典范并触及“铺陈排比”这一艺术核心。宋代诗论家如叶梦得、张戒、杨万里、刘克庄等,在诸诗学范畴之下探讨长篇诗歌在诗法、诗风、题材功能及内在原理等多方面的特点,其论述对象虽不特指长篇近体,却对五排诗体理论的深化有重要影响。元代李存、杨士弘的唐诗选本,关注到以御制、试帖或应制台阁等为主的初盛唐五排,促使五排在诗学理论上的阐述重心向审评源流正变问题转移。明代高棅的《唐诗品汇》兼取前代提出的“铺陈排比”与“应制台阁”两个五排诗体艺术核心,重新论定了唐代五排的体制正变和艺术特色,并对五排在唐前的溯源问题提出独到见解,从而使五排在诗体理论上的阐述趋于成熟。此后,明清诸诗论家在高棅的基础上,围绕渊源和流变两方面问题展开论辩,持续深细地完善着五排诗体理论的阐述历史。本文最后一部分,则从渊源和原理两个角度,探析将“排律”作为该诗体的通用名目的合理性所在。 This article explores the interpretation history of five-character paralleled metrical poetry in poetic theory.In the Tang dynasty,there had almost no explicit elucidation on this style,except for Yuan Zhen who had adequately elaborated on the creative motivation,and artistic weaknesses and strengths of the style while commending Du Fu’s poems of this style to be the model for they reflected the artistic essence of expansive parallelism.Some Song-dynasty poets had some comments that influenced the theorization of five-character parallel metrical poems.In the Yuan dynasty,anthologies of Tang poetry by Li Cun and Yang Shihong paid attention to five-character paralleled metrical poetry the early and high Tang dynasty,primarily those written by the emperors,cabinet ministers,and in imperial examinations,shifting the emphasis of poetic theory on this style to discern its origin and development.In the Ming dynasty,Gao Bing’s Collected Comments on Tang Poetry clarified two core artistic features of the style proposed by previous generations and greatly enriched the views on the style during the Tang Dynasty,maturing the theory on five-character paralleled metrical poetry.Since then,the Ming and Qing poetics had debated over the origin and variation of this style on the basis of Gao Bing’s work.The article ends with an explanation of the reasons for taking paralleled metrical poetry as the generic name of this style from the perspectives of origin and principle.
作者 郑佳琳 Zheng Jialin(the Department of Chinese Language and Literature,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期184-193,共10页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 五言排律 诗学理论 铺陈排比 five-character paralleled metrical poetry poetic theory expansive parallelism
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