2020年5月18日,英国皇家地理学会(Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers,RGS-IBG)在官方网站发布"2020年奖章和奖项获得者"(2020 medal and award recipients announced),总计有22人或组织获得皇家地理学会本年度殊荣。其中,《全球变化数据学报(中英文)》副主编、北京师范大学地理科学学部傅伯杰院士获得荣誉会士(Honorary Fellowship)称号。在英国皇家地理学会授予傅伯杰院士荣誉会士称号的介绍中这样表述"以此表彰他对学会和地理学的杰出支持"(In recognition of outstanding support for the Society and geography)!
The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers(RGS-IBG)recognized 22 scholars(organizations)for recognizing their outstanding contributions to geographical research,fieldwork and teaching,and public engagement in geographical society on May 18,2020.Among them,Professor Fu,B.J.,Dean of the Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,the Associate Chief Editor of Journal of Global Change Data&Discovery,was awarded the Honorary Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding support for the society and geography.
Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery