

Modern Chinese Newspapers and Pre-war Han Poetry in Singapore and Malaya
摘要 在1881年《叻報》創辦之前,新加坡和馬來西亞的漢詩創作無法進入公衆的視野。而在《叻報》創立至1941年底新馬淪陷前的60年間,新馬中文報紙的發展異常迅猛,陸續誕生的報紙計有《檳城新報》、《星報》、《天南新報》、《日新報》、《總匯新報》、《中興日報》、《南洋商報》、《星洲日報》等二十餘種。這些華文報紙,幾乎每一種都定期或不定期地登載舊體詩。因此,華文報刊的定位、副刊主編的喜好等也會影響到新馬漢詩的發展。同時,新馬地區這一時期出現的"新派詩"亦可視爲這一傳播載體影響下的産物。另外,就華文報刊對於傳統漢詩發展的意義而言,近現代華文報刊登載漢詩的意義不僅僅局限於提供傳播渠道和保存原始史料,更爲深層的價值在於詩人的創作成果從"私人領域"進入了"公共空間",從而實現向廣大讀者傳達審美欣賞、文化再現和社會政治參與等層面的價值。 Han poetry(classical Chinese poetry) did not enter the sphere of the general public until the publication of Malaya’s first newspaper, Lat Pau, in 1881. In the 60 years of its publication history, from 1881 to late 1941 before the downfall of Singapore and Malaya, the Lat Pau witnessed a rapid, robust development of Chinese newspapers. Following this were the respective debuts of more than 20 newspapers, such as Penang Sin Poe, Sing Po, Thien Nan Shin Pao, Jit Shin Pao, Union Times, Chong Shing Yit Pao, Nanyang Siang Pau, and Sin Chew Jit Poh. These newspapers became important for the circulation of classical poetry, as some of them published poems on a periodic basis and some daily. Therefore, the status of Chinese journals and newspapers and preferences of the editors were decisive factors in the development of Malayan Han poetry. Meanwhile, the "new-style poetry" that emerged at this time may be seen as products of Chinese newspapers published at this time. Furthermore, the significance of publishing classical Chinese poetry in modern newspapers lies not only in the provision of communication channels and the preservation of original materials, but, more importantly, they brought the poets’ creative works from a "private sphere" to the "public space," and thereby conveyed to the reader the values of aesthetic appreciation, cultural reproduction, and social and political participation.
作者 王兵 Wang Bing(College of Chinese Language and Literature,Fujian Normal University,China 350007)
机构地区 福建師範大學
出处 《人文中国学报》 2019年第1期275-308,共34页 Sino-Humanitas
关键词 漢詩 華文報刊 新馬 公共空間 新派詩 Han poetry Chinese newspapers Singapore and Malaya public space new style poetry
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