分别向猫眶上神经、眶下神经和下牙槽神经的神经干内注射20%HRP(Toyobo,RZ 3.3)溶液,跨节追踪了三叉神经初级传入纤维在中枢内的分布。1.三叉神经的初级传入纤维在中枢内都与三叉神经感觉核簇发生全面的联系。其中,眶上神经向三叉神经脊束核的尾侧亚核第Ⅰ~Ⅴ层都有大量的投射,而向吻侧,则标记终末只位于各亚核腹侧的极小范围内。眶下神经在三叉神经感觉核簇中的标记终末分布范围较大,以尾侧亚核的中央部和感觉主核腹侧2/3部的标记终末最为密集。下牙槽神经在尾侧亚核和吻侧亚核的标记终末数量和分布范围最大。2.含有大量来自额部皮肤和上颌胡须的触觉传入纤维的眶上、眶下神经除向感觉主核投射外,也向其它各亚核特别是尾侧亚核有大量的投射。含有较大量痛觉传入纤维的下牙槽神经不仅向脊束核投射,在感觉主核的投射也是明显的。因而,确证了感觉主核接受触觉,脊束核接受痛温觉传入投射的传统看法是不符合实际的。3.上述三神经都向尾侧亚核内侧相当于脊髄后角第Ⅴ层的区域有明显的投射。结合文献,本文作者支持此第Ⅴ层应归属于尾侧亚核的看法,并推论此区可能有三叉神经传入纤维和其它脑结构来源的纤维的汇聚。
20%HRP solution(Japan,Toyobo,RZ 3.3)was injected into supra-orbital,infraorbital,or inferior alveolar nerve.The results in distribution of the trigeminal primary afferent fibers in the trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex(TBNC)were obtained by means of transganglionic transport of HRP.1.Trigeminal primary afferent fibers in three nerves projected to all subnuclei in TBNC.Fibers from the supraorbital nerve projected heavily to the ventral areas of laminaⅠ-Ⅴof the nucleus tractus spinalis trigemini caudalis(Vspc),only a few fibers ended in very small ventral areas of more rostral subdivisions of the TBNC.The projection field of the infraorbital nerve in TBNC was widest of three nerves,especially in Vspe and Vp.Inferior alveolar nerve afferent fibers projected more heavily to the Vspc and Vspo than other subnuclei.2.The primary afferent fibers of the supraorbital nerve and infraor-bital nerve(both contain a large number of tactile fibers which originate from forehead skin and maxillary vibrissae)projected not only to Vp,but also to Vspc,projection of inferior alveolar nerve which contain more pain fibers in Vp was obvious.Hence,the traditional absolute idea that Vp receives tactile fibers and the nucleus tractus spinalis of Vn receives pain fibers needs to be revised.3.All three nerves projected to laminaⅤof the Vspc corresponding to laminaⅤof the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.We support the view that laminaⅤdoes belong to Vspc.It is possible that convergence might occur in laminaⅤof Vspc between primary afferent fibers of trigeminal nerve and descending projections from higher centers of the brain.
Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
Supraorbital nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Inferior alveolar nerve
Afferent fibers
Trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex
HRP transganglionic tracing technique