目的:探讨硬化性肺泡细胞瘤(PSP)的CT影像表现。方法:12例手术确诊的PSP患者进行CT平扫及增强扫描,分析其发病部位、病灶大小、轮廓边界及强化方式等表现。结果:12名个病例中男性2名,女性10名,年龄跨度31-69岁。PSP大多表现为边界清晰的孤立肺内病灶,具有良性肿瘤的特征,常位于胸膜下,钙化及空气半月征较为常见。增强扫描病灶见较明显的强化, PSP明显而迅速的强化方式病理上源于肿瘤内部富含血管瘤样结构。7例相对较小的肿瘤强化程度更均匀,而另外相对较大的5例则呈不均匀强化。结论:PSP的相对特征性的CT表现包括空气半月征,位于胸膜下及增强扫描显著的强化方式。
Aim:The purpose of this study is to describe and assess computed tomography(CT) findings of pathologically confirmed pulmonary sclerosing pneunocytoma(PSP). Methods:Data of CT examinations in 12 PSP patients were retrospectively reviewed, including the location, size, contour, border of nodules, as well as the enhancement patterns of the tumor. Results:The study comprised 12 patients(two male and ten female) aged 31-69 years. PSPs appeared as well-circumscribed, solitary lesions with benign characteristics and were generally demonstrated as juxta-pleural masses on CT. Calcification and air crescent sign in the tumours were also demonstrated in the cohort. PSP had strong and rapid enhancement attributed histopathologically to the presence of hemangiomatous components in the tumor. Seven tumours enhanced homogeneously compared with five larger tumours, which enhanced heterogeneously.Conclusion: PSPs manifest as nodule with relatively characteristic CT findings, including air clefts, juxta-pleural location and markedly contrast-enhancement.
Huang Yufang;Yang Weichuan;Gao Wenhua(Department of Radiology,The First Naval Hospital of Southern Theater Command Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524022;Hospital of Unit 95364,PLAZhanjiang,Guangdong 524129)
Modern Medical Imageology