The Yi people of Liangshan(Nuosu)compose a clan-based society(cytvie)characterized by"paternal consanguinity".Based on a strong clan consciousness and belief system,solid organization,and a integrated system,the traditional society of the Nuosu has created a kind of"integratedness"between family and social culture based on blood relations.This integratedness derives its core symbol as the"ancestor"of the ethnic group,and shapes the indigenous religion with the"ancestor spirit"at the core of the belief structure.The hierarchical structure of the indigenous religion reproduces the hierarchical structure of the clan in Nuosu society.Religious rituals ensure the stable continuation of the"root consciousness"in Nuosu society in the form of"Retrospective Origin-narrating Genealogy".This indigenous religion closely integrates the individuals,clans,and ethnic group through beliefs and rituals,which have become ways to integrate different Nuosu social structures.The mutually constructive relationship between the indigenous religion and social structure also shows that the ancestral spirit is at the core of the belief structure in the consanguineous society,while their geopious society emphasizes the importance of regional deities,highlighting important relationship between religious belief and social structure and allowing for further typological comparative studies in the future.
indigenous religion
social structure
Liangshan Yi ethnic gruop
nuosu family clan